
Piano Technique with Alexia Preston

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This class will function as a group masterclass where each pianist will have the opportunity to perform 1 to 3 pieces (depending on time constraints) they have prepared in advance. The coach will provide constructive guidance aimed at improving the mechanics of playing piano and overall musicianship. You’ll play for each other and learn from each other.

The pieces do not have to be at an advanced level but should be prepared enough to play comfortably, except possibly for the parts you need specific help.

Is this class for you?

For intermediate to advanced piano players with music reading skills.
Participants must rehearse pieces and bring the sheet music to class.
This class will not perform at the end of the week.
This class has limited enrolment

Alexia's Bio

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Lake Field Music camp for adult amateurs

P.O. Box 73046, 465 Yonge St., Toronto Canada M4Y 2W5

Email: Telephone: 647-692-3463